Monday, December 28, 2009

I have to go to the bathroom

At my second appointment I met with the nutritionist in the study. She went over what I was to do for the next pretesting part of the study. They wanted me record everything edible that I put in my mouth for four days in a row as well as all my physical activity for those same four days. Notice the word "edible". It got me thinking do I put things in my mouth that are not edible? Is that a problem for some women, putting non edible things in there mouth? I make a mental note to make sure I don't record anything that isn't edible nor eat anything non edible.
I'm given a scale and a chard to keep track of all my edible food and a pedometer and chart to keep records of all my physical activity. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by all of this record keeping and hoping I will end up looking good on paper.
The next part of this appointment I'm walked across the street to an other building on campus where I will have to do a walking test. I'm told that I will have to walk on a treadmill for 8 or so minutes while they monitor my hear rate and my blood pressure. I am shown a chair just out side the door of the testing room and told to wait here till there ready for me.
I'm in a basement of an old building that I have been in before when I went to school here. This basement has always creeped me out because it reminds me of what a creepy basement should be like. Glowing florescent lights, white walls, old tile floors and hallways that go every other way.
I'm sitting in the chair with one of the study staff waiting with me. She tells me it is going to be an other 10 minutes or so because they are running a little behind. I relies I have to go to the bathroom and have plenty of time seeing as how they are running late. I ask the staff person where the bathroom is an let her know I will be right back. She directs me down the hallway to the right and into the locker room on the right. I take a deep breath and tell my self I'm going to be brave and just use the bathroom. I walk down the hallway to the right making sure I'm paying attention to my surroundings, checking door way cutouts for bad guys just waiting to attack somebody ridiculous enough to walk around in a basement on a Saturday all by them selves. I make it to the woman's locker room which is right next to the men's. I push the door open telling my self, "this will only take a few seconds and you will be fine". I step into the locker room which is straight out of a horror film. those small quarter size hexagon floor tiles that are laid on an uneven wavy floor, buzzing florescent lights that are mounted to the ceiling with the wire covers over them, peeling wight and cream paint that is drooping off the walls at the sinks, and of course a few isles of wire basket lockers to top it all off. I walk into the part of the room where the toilet stalls are and I notice three circular drains on the floor. The image that of course flashes through my head is a man in a dark hooded sweatshirt with jeans and heavy boots jumping off a toilet and out of one of the stalls grabbing me and slashing me with a six inch bladed kitchen knife. Blood spattered on the walls, all over the floor and running down the drains. My hear starts to beat louder and harder. I know I need to pee but I know I can't allow myself to be that vulnerable in this place. I turn trying to walk but not run. Trying to breath by not cry. I walk out of the locker room quickly down the hall and back to the waiting chair.
The staff person is still there waiting for me and in a strange small talk sort of way asks me if I feel all better now. I tell her that actually I was too creeped out to use the bathroom and couldn't bring my self to do it even though I needed to. She so kindly offers to come with me. I'm thinking, "well I do need to pee and I'm going to be walking and I don't want to have to really pee while walking so sure I guess you can come with me to the bathroom." I tell her, "um, sure, ok, thank you." We walk together down the hall, I am still checking all the door ways. Into the locker room and I pretend that I don't see the blood splattered all over the walls and floor. I go into the stall, no bad guy, no boot prints on the toilet seat, I pull down my pants and have a seat. I can hear her walking around, I can hear her chewing her gum. How can I ever pee in these conditions? I try, honestly I do. I think about asking her to turn on the sink but really this has gotten strangely embarrassing all ready. So now I sit and think. Do I just get up and not go? Do I flush and pretend that I did go? I chose to get some tp put it in the toilet and flush, walk out and wash my hands. I really have to pee but I'm sure it isn't going to happen in this basement today. I tell staff thank you and she says, "no problem, I wouldn't like be be down here by my self either". I wonder if she can see the bloody masacar too. Just for your I will go done there again and take some pictures so you all can see I'm not crazy.
We walk back together and It is my turn to get walking. They hand me a hear rate monitor that needs to be placed around my body just under my breasts and under my shirt. Of course no screen to hide behind to privately place my monitor so here I am with my shirt up in front of the skinny study staff once more. And of course the monitor has to be wet, I really have a thing about putting wet things on me but oh well here we go.
Onto the treadmill I go. I start walking while two people watch me. One watches the computer monitor and increases my speed and incline while the other checks my blood pressure every three minutes. Their goal it to take me to 80% of my max and it should only take eight to ten minutes. Well I keep walking and walking and walking after fifteen minutes I'm still not there. They increase my incline once more and finally there after 18 minutes. It is funny walking while people watch you but I won't get into it because this post is already too long. They have me sit for a minute after the test and check my blood pressure once more. They say I'm ready to go and that I have a good heart and heart rate, YES!

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