Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quiting time!

No, I'm not quitting but this is one of those time where I would quite if I was doing this all on my own. I missed a Zumba class and I got sick. In the past sickness has always ended up as quitting time for me. My first intent isn't just to give up and quit but I get sick, quite working out which gets me off schedule and then out of habit. Once out of habit, out of mind and it is all down hill from there. I am not going to quite this time and it feels good to know that I'm going to stay on track.

Today's eating was a struggle too. I wanted to stuff my face all day long! I don't know why or what triggered the feeling but man. I made a coffee crumb cake for small group at church and ate a few bites. I wanted to stuff myself full with the last 4 peices that were left. The cake was riding in the front seat next to me. I had the greatest urge to eat it with my hands while driving not caring about all the crumbs, looking like a pig, or over eating. I didn't do it. I didn't stuff my face but the urges to do so didn't subside till after dinner time. I hate this feeling. Usually when I get these urges I give in and go over bord till I'm feeling ill and gulity.

One thing that makes me feel ok about these feeling is that it makes me think that I might be on the verge of loosing more weight. I like to think that my body is craving lots of yummy fattening foods because it likes to keep to the wight it is and will send these signals to my brain for self preservation. So I hope that it's just because I burning fat. I can take comfort in these strong cravings knowing that it is because I'm accomplishing what I set out to do. But maybe that is a stretch.


Lisa said...

I don't think that's a stretch at all. I just heard something on the radio this AM that they have discovered that our brain chemistry changes when we lose weight. Chemicals that cause cravings increase and chemicals that cause resistance decrease. They think that might be behind yo-yo dieting. So see, your hypothesis is correct. Way to stay strong!

Colie said...

I think I have done that before - stuff my face in the car while driving and then feel badly over it :-). Good job not giving in! That is oh so hard!