Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Dropping two starches in my day has had an impact. I found myself hungry and craving those ever so tasty and satisfying starches (carbohydrates). I did eat three free foods today, two little handfuls of low carb crackers and one that I will be getting to later. So yah! Free foods are available and I did need them today.

I ran out of yogurt today so I ran, no actually drove, to the store to pick up an other tub. I'm going through the yogurt quite quickly and one last me 2 1/2 days. Well while at the store I grabbed my yogurt and found myself looking at all the cookies sitting so nicely on the shelf. I thought, "maybe there are some super low carb cookies here that I could have, or maybe I could buy the bag of vanilla wafers and have one seeing as how it is a free food." I looked but really all I could see were the dark brown and white lovelies sitting in their neat little rows hidden in their blue and white package. Yes, that is right the Oreos called to me. Oreos are worth one starch and one fat exchange according to my diet. I thought, "I could eat one of those, I could plan around giving a starch and fat to my cookie instead of some other food that I eat during the day. But can I eat just one cookie? NO! Sure, I can eat one, one row." Yes, I like and can eat one row of Oreo cookies in one day and the next day I will eat an other row and so on till they are all gone. I like to eat my sweets quickly and get them gone quickly so they aren't there tempting me all week. I figure I'm going to eat the same amount of calories so who cares if it is in just one or two days instead of a week? I know I don't mind. As I'm standing there looking at my little lovelies I swear, I begin singing to my self, "Oh my darling you look wonderful tonight." That was when I knew it was time to just walk away and I did.

I came home, added my protein powder to my yogurt and put it in the fridge. I helped put my two sweet children to bed and when I came out of my daughter's room I went to the freezer and chose my free fudge pop. I feel good about today but I realize that 15 more weeks might not be as easy as I first thought. When I'm dieting for just me I will "cheat" or "splurge" and then get right back on track. I am in a research study. If I "cheat" then there aren't consequences for me but it affects the study and what they are trying to accomplish. I'm trying to decide if it is harder or easier to do this under the watchful eye of a research study and all the staff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, 15 weeks is a long time. But, just keep doing what you did tonight, one situation at a time. That's how you build successes and develop new ways to do things. Oooo the pressure of the study!! It should be written in as one of the variables...that watchful eye and the responsibilities to hold to the guidelines. It might end up being to your advantage, too.
So...now I'll always remember the Oreo song!!:)